

SetupBooster is a project that has the goal of creating a Django-based wiki for software configuration guide articles that can teach new users how to use itself by completing demonstration activities while encouraging participation by awarding points and badges for user involvement and contributions. It is based on another Github project, Makahiki.

SetupBooster on Github

SetupBooster's source code is hosted on Github. SetupBooster is an open-source project released under the MIT license. See the installation guide for more details on how to install the system locally.

Visit the Demonstration Instance

A demonstration instance is currently hosted on Heroku. At this stage of development there is little to differentiate it from Makahiki, but this will change over time. This instance is usually running a copy of the most current project code.

Log in with username tester1 and password tester1. If these aren't working, it usually means that the database has been reset; the account will be reinstated later.

The source code for this ics691-setupbooster Github Pages site is released under the Apache 2.0 license. For more information, see license.txt.